Who’s in charge of healing, can you answer this question? I recently was involved in a conversation with a Reflexologist, from another country, on whether or not Reflexology “fixes” illnesses in the body. I learned that it was important to her to feel that what she was doing and her skill at delivery of those techniques could “fix”, in her words, another’s health problems.
Before sharing my inner thoughts on this subject, let me first just state that in the United States, anyone making claims to be able to “fix” someone’s health imbalances you need to hold a medical license before you can even open your mouth when discussing treating an illness. Otherwise, you may find yourself in serious trouble for practicing medicine without a license.
That said, I loved the opportunity to examine this subject. I discovered that sometimes in my own health practice, I seek confirmation that I am doing something that’s beneficial and can make a difference in someone else’s life. That comes from a small part of me that focuses the work I do with my clients is based on providing and being of service to them.
When I practice Reflexology from this mindset, then yes, I want to think that I am really good at what I do, and that the modality is powerful enough in healing someone’s ills.
There are other places in my inner landscape from which I can speak and touch though. I can choose to trust; to trust my client’s path, trust their body’s innate wisdom, trust their body’s desire to return to wholeness, and trust that I can stay out of the way.
If I choose to be relaxed ,stay present with what is happening and responsive to what I might offer, then everything is possible. Within the space of deep relaxation and acceptance, void of any coercion and judgment, the body can feel safe and supported enough to perhaps take the sometimes difficult path toward rebuilding health and wellness.
This is what I love about Reflexology. It doesn’t “fix” anything – although in my 40+ years of practice I have witnessed many, many amazing responses in people who suffer with chronic pain and their pain care givers take back control of their life from pain. Reflexology is the process that assists the body in the healing process.
It is my belief it is the body that heals, not any intervention that I might perform. The beauty and strength of Reflexology is what puts the body into a neurological state for the body to repair and heal itself. Relaxation heals, allowing the body to restore homeostasis. Communication relayed between the nerve ending reflexes with the brain that directs the body to make the changes necessary to return to health.
The body, in its infinite wisdom, wants to be healthy. As a Reflexologist, I am fortunate to know how to create the environment which can make that happen. So, the answer to the question who’s in charge of healing…. It’s you and your ability to use the power of touch that heals all.
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